Design & Production
Our design process prioritizes premium quality and functional detail, and our production practices are rooted in giving opportunities to disadvantaged families. We wanted the whole process, from design to packaging, to be completely transparent for our customers. That’s why we’ve taken the following steps…
Caring design.
We proudly partnered with non-profit organizations to assemble and package our products. Our products are designed to be easily assembled and packaged. We aim to share this concept with other welfare organizations that work with people with intellectual disabilities and their family members.
Uncompromising quality.
Quality and the safe wearing of our customers has always been our priority. We only use lenses manufactured by Carl Zeiss Vision, renowned as the world’s finest quality lenses.
More than meets the eye.
Every product has an interesting backstory, as our design team takes inspiration from the most unexpected of places. Scanning the products with our Eyeware Studio App can reveal the original inspirations for their creation.
Extraordinary thoughtful.
We design every accessory, except the essential pieces, to be multipurpose, so they can have a “second life”. To reduce the time and cost of prototyping and mold-making, all of our designs are 3D-Print-Ready, a significant leap to improving the conventional design and production process.
Authenticity and transparency.
All of our products are embedded with RFID technology, which can be authenticated instantly with our Eyeware Studio App. Our customers can rest assured that the product they received is a genuine, socially responsible piece. In our effort to be fully transparent, customers can also trace the manufacturing history of products.
Collaborative effort.
We work closely with our suppliers to determine the best materials and production processes to use. We ask our manufacturing partner to perform a pre-production final review on our designs, evaluating their structural and production aspects. We’ll make procedural changes if needed, as we believe the more we learn, the better we can make our products.